Friday, April 29, 2011

Entrepreneur Equation - by Carol Roth

I got this book from SCORE, and I recommend it for anyone considering starting their own business.  It clears away a number of myths regarding entrepreneurship.  It is a good complement to the E-Myth because it gives a set of criteria to consider before taking the leap into a small business.  The elements fo the equation include:
1. Your motivation for going into business
2. Your timing - current financial situation, experience, responsibilities, and network
3. Your personality - what do you like to do versus what is required to run a business
4. Your opportunity - is it really an opportunity, can you livere off it.
5. The risks and reqards
6. Other stuff

I have worked up a checklist using this criteria.  For a copy send me an email or visit

You might be able to get a free copy from your local SCORE chapter, or get if from Amazon.