"Does your business have a business model?
Do you even know what one is?
Do you even know what one is?
Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game
Changers, and Challengers
by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur
Dedicated to providing business coaching and consulting expertise to small businesses and non-profits in Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio. Areas of expertise include planning, marketing and business development, sales growth, and professional management. We always keep in mind the limits in time and money of smaller businesses. Our focus is on streamlined systems that are easy to learn and execute by real people.
I have used this technique as a starting point to simplify business strategy.
I saw a slide presentation on this method and bought the book the next day. The technique reduces the most complex business to a one page poster, and yet captures all of the key factors defining a business.
I would be happy to teach this technique to any business owner who would like to be more effective and feel more in control of their business."
Contact me at: arthelmstetter@b2bplanner.com